
Advertise for less than $1 per day on Windy Pinwheel and reach local parents and kids in Northern Nevada and the Sierras.

Windy Pinwheel is a resource for parents in Northern Nevada to find activities to do that are fun, educational and most importantly cost effective with their children. We review various family-friendly venues, provide information about great adventures for parents and their children in and around the Northern Nevada region, including the Sierras. Previous reviews include local museums, smartphone apps, photography, family-friendly venues such as bowling alleys, kid-friendly salons, seasonal attractions such as pumpkin patches and more. We also provide free monthly printables for parents to share with their children and the occasional giveaway. We are happy to discuss linking, image placement, banner ads, product giveaways, guest posts and text ad placement opportunities.

Here are some of the statistics of our website:

  • Growing Readership
  • free web tools advertise
  • Over 250 traffic hits per day.
  • Nearly 3,500 hits per month

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