“It’s a boy! It’s a girl! I am waiting to find out!” It’s a baby shower for military wives in the Reno/Sparks, Nevada area on March 9, 2013 and we need your help.

There is a baby registry located at Babies R Us under:
First Name: Reno
Last Name: Recruiting
The event itself will take place at the local Reno VFW on March 9 at 1 PM.
Here are some items that Farrah needs to make this happen that, at last update, she still needs to collect:
- Things to make up the door prize baskets
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Clothes
- Cribs
- Car seats
- Nursery décor and bedding
- Bibs
- Burp cloths
- Breast pumps
- Milk storage containers
- Glider/rocker chairs
- Baby walkers
- Exersauser/jumperoo
- Crib sheets
- Bassinets
- Changing tables
- Changing pads
- Changing pad covers
- Party décor
- Food and drinks
- Blankets
- Baskets
- Baby hangers
- Sound machine
- Night light or lamps
- Nursing tanks/bras
- Baby bath items and the bath itself
- Mobiles
- Lotion
- Diaper rash cream
- Baby wash
- Shampoo
- Powder
- Baby carriers
- Play gyms
- Rattles
- Baby toys
- Monitors
- Baby gates
- Baby safety items
- Health items like clippers brushes nose suckers etc.
- Bottle warmers
- Bottle drying racks
- Bottle sanitizers
- Baby bottles
- Sippy cups
- Bowls
- Spoons
- Baby bullet or off-brand food makers
- Baby food
- Baby snacks
- Juice
- Water
- Formula (it’s always good to have one can on hand for an emergency situation)
- Bath towels
- Rags
- Humidifiers
- Wipe warmers
- Bumbo type seat s
- Scrapbooking supplies
- Albums
- Gift wrap
- Gift bag
- Tissue paper
- Picture frames/memory type items
- A few non-baby items to act as door prizes during the baby shower
If you would like to mail an item, please send it to:
Operation Baby Shower
2795 Arrowsmith Drive
Sparks, NV 89436

The mothers are expecting 3 girls, 1 boy, and 3 women do not know yet.
And there you have it. A photographer will be on-hand during the event to capture the moments as well as capture all the donations on digital film. Farrah has already reached out to local newspapers and magazines in hopes of spreading the word about the event.
We hope you can also spread the word by sharing this post on Facebook, twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit, or any other location that you feel would benefit this event (hint: use the “Share” button in the top right of this page to share this post on your favorite social networks). We hope this event is turns out to be a raving success and that you can donate, at the very least, one item from this list above.
If you have any questions about this event, please visit the event Facebook page or visit Babies R Us and look up the baby registry, first name: Reno, last name: recruiting.