Guest Post: 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature infographic

15 Summer Activities to help your kids appreciate nature (header), Source: Joe Black,

Enjoy this infographic shared with us by Nature Rated and get outdoors with your kids, today

Today’s guest post comes to us from Joe Black of, and he shared this great list of 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature infogrphic. Joe speaks about the health benefits of taking 90 minute or longer walks and what it can do to help alleviate stress, anxiety and much more. He discusses that screen time for kids can have lasting negative affects where spending time in nature can inhibit those effects and he would love to see children inspired to climb a tree or build a fort and I happen to agree with that wish.

I too, would love to see children outside more often, not forced outside because mom or dad scheduled a playdate, but truly because they want to be outside. It starts with you, mom and dad, let’s show our kids how nature is something to enjoy and pursue activities that make us all get up and get outside.

We’re delighted that we are able to share this great infographic below with you from Nature Rated, and we are also happy that we were able to share it with you with a couple weeks left of official Summer to get out and enjoy it. We hope you get inspired by some of these 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature infographic a little more each day.

Besides, with numerous lakes, trails and Lake Tahoe less than 30 minutes to an hour away, why not? It’s in our own backyard. The Northern region is perfect for a family-fun adventure. Get out an enjoy the outdoors, today!

– Will


  • Just Geek US 15 summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature

15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature

Yellow Pinwheel 15 summer activities to help your kids appreciate natureWhat are your kids doing this Summer? For many of us Summer time with the kids is a time to enjoy the outdoors, the sunshine and, if you’re lucky, the ocean.

As much as kids love Summer holidays, keeping them busy can be a real chore! If you don’t have the luxury of a Summer camp, then it’s up to you, as parent, to find things for the youngsters to keep busy with.

Failing that, your kids might spend all their time in front of a computer, tablet, cell phone or other screen and research has shown that spending too much time in front of a screen can have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of children.

On the other side of this discussion, studies have shown that taking part in nature-based activities helps people who are suffering from mental ill-health and can contribute to a reduction in levels of anxiety, stress, and depression. In fact, a daily walk in nature has showed decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression.

One in four people are estimated to experience bouts of mental illness and it’s on the rise. Doctor prescribed medication of antidepressants are also at a record high level and the demand for more invasive treatments are also on the rise. Health and social care commissioners are examining and commissioning different options for cost effective services for mental health and one of these options is a daily walk of 90 minutes or more. We need to learn from the past when kids got excited to spend their time climbing trees and building forts rather than spending hours inside, and in particular glued to a screen.

Joe at Nature Rated understands this all too well and has put together an infographic on 15 Summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature.

Source: Joe Black of Nature Rated 15 summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature
Source: Joe Black,

From baking a blackberry pie to constructing a pond or insect hotel, there’s plenty for the youngsters to get up to. Head on over to his site for step by step instructions to get your kids out and about enjoying nature.


  • Just Geek US 15 summer activities to help your kids appreciate nature

Video Credit: Tahoe in a Day | Summer at Lake Tahoe – 4K from Peyton Z Peltier on Vimeo.

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