Run Mama Run Series: Preparing to run outside during the cold winter months


It’s our second installment of the Run Mama Run series and baby, it’s cold outside. Let’s go for a run anyway.

Young woman stretching before her run outdoors on a cold fall/winter morning, Source:

Grapefruit PinwheelIt’s official the first Winter storm has brought snow to the Sierras, more is expected this week. Running outside in the winter months can still be possible, in fact it’s one of the best times of the year to run outside. Now, I don’t necessarily mean you should run in a snow storm and when the roads are extremely icy, but a cold dry day can still be a productive running day. Think about the mountains surrounding you, covered with snow… it’s a beautiful sight… so don’t feel like you have to exercise indoors just because it’s cold. You simply need a few items to keep you warm.

For me, I always have to remember tissue, my nose is like a leaky faucet once I really start running. I also need to wear comfortable pants that will keep my legs warm but not so warm that they will overheat.

Some other tips from runnin’ mama’s include:

Portrait of a woman running against against blue sky, Source:
  • Heidi P. says: I swear by my running thermometer. It outlines exactly what to wear for ten degree increments, and it has never failed me! I cut it out of a magazine years ago, but I think Jeff Galloway has posted a similar chart.
  • Jessica J. says: I am always cold, so I always have gloves and afterwards hot chocolate is a must. 🙂
  • Lisa G. says: Layers… and make sure you have a place to tuck your gloves when/if your hands get too warm (mine always do).
  • Lauren from Windy Pinwheel says: Well, definitely a headband to cover my ears! And a good pair of trail shoes since there may be snow-ice.
  • Tanya W. says: Dress in layers.

So mama’s don’t give up on outdoor running during the winter months. Many days will be plenty warm (as long as you have some of the above items). It’s important to stretch and walk a bit at first to warm your body up. Get out there and enjoy a beautiful Sierra run and while you’re at it, make it an adventure!

Do you have some tips to share with others about running in the cold? Post a comment below. We’d love to hear from you.

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