Guest Post: Free printable origami bookmarks for kids from

Free printable origami bookmarks (header), Source:

How cute are these free printable origami bookmarks for kids?

Today’s guest post article is a bit different from our usual commitment to sharing great information for families of young children. Today, Marielle Lea and Katie Santos from reached out and asked if we could share these free printable origami marks for kids with our audience and after taking a look, how could we resist? These free printable origami marks for kids are so incredibly cute that we were really excited to share them with you, our readers. As luck would have it, there is also an Easter set, so it could make for a great arts and project with your kids this weekend, being that Easter is tomorrow. Our kids already picked out which ones they want to do and we can’t wait to see how they turn out. If you end up trying out one of these free printable origami marks for kids, please share with us on Twitter or Facebook and we would love to add to the collection of results here on this post. Marielle and Katie, thank you for the great post and contribution to Windy Pinwheel.

– Will


  • free printable origami bookmarks for kids

Free printable origami bookmarks for kids

Whether you have a little one with their nose forever buried in a or a kiddo who would rather not go anywhere near one, encouraging children to enjoy reading is crucial for their development of good literacy and problem-solving skills.

To help get kids reading (and have fun doing it), Personal Creations has printables to make origami marks. These little bookmarks are easy to make and so much fun to use when reading a good book! With everything from kitty cats to superheroes, there’s a bookmark for kids of all ages to enjoy!


  • free printable origami bookmarks for kids
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