Luck O’ The Irish free St. Patrick’s Day printable lunch box notes for kids

2014 Copyright Will Hull, Windy Pinwheel

May the Luck O’ The Irish be with you when you download these free St. Patrick’s Day printable lunch box notes for kids for your kids.

Dark Green Pinwheel st. patrick's day printable lunch box notesBeing of Irish heritage, St. Patrick’s Day is one of the holidays that I truly love to celebrate and today I want to share with you these free St. Patrick’s Day printable lunch box notes for kids. I really love teaching my family about being Irish and what St. Patrick’s Day is all about. Several years ago I created these printables for Hullabaloo Stories and did a fun arts and project with the kids to create a banner that used all Irish Proverbs. One of my favorite proverbs was included, as the centerpiece for this art project.

Irish proverb:

“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

This proverb was read at our rehearsal dinner by my uncle. I truly love the Irish blessings/proverbs and love that this time of year when I can celebrate all things Irish; the fun sayings as well as the beautiful proverbs.

This year, in addition to our previous printables we want to share a small set of fun, colorful and kid friendly printable “Lunch Box Notes”.

14 Days of Love Notes for Kids, 2013 Copyright Christine Hull, Windy Pinwheel st. patrick's day printable lunch box notes
2014 Copyright
Christine Hull,
Windy Pinwheel

Happy St. Patrick’s Day… May the luck of the Irish be with you today!

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