We have something special in store for The Review Wire Holiday #HoHoHo Hop Giveaway

Last year, we celebrated the holiday season by giving away a Blu-Ray copy of The Polar Express. You can pick up a book copy of The Polar Express or a copy on Blu-Ray (or get the 3D Blu-Ray/Blu-Ray combo instead) in our online store area. We’re delighted to announce that we will be giving away another exciting item this year starting this Friday, November 22 at 9:01PM PST. We are participating in The Review Wire’s Holiday #HoHoHo Hop Giveaway. The Hop will run from November 22 through December 6, 2013. As I write this announcement there are over 61 blogs and websites that will be participating, making it convenient to “hop” from one giveaway to the next right from the giveaway post itself. The minimum requirement is offering an item $25 or more.
Now, you might be wondering what this item could be.#What could this item be, you wonder? You’ll have to wait and find out. It could be “a major award” that is “frah-gee-lay”. You never know. Or it could cause you to put on a Christmas pageant at your school and mock the director as you dance with your friends. It could be something to cause the power of the city to dim as you turn on your Christmas decorations or send your cousin to kidnap your boss because he forgot your Christmas bonus this year when you are already committed to putting in a pool in your backyard this year. Maybe it will make you declare that “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear” or scare some guy on top of your rooftop on Christmas Eve and cause him to slip and you to decide whether or not to put on his appropriately-red suit. Maybe you’ll see three ghosts trying to inspire you to change your life or just an angel who will show you what life would have been like without you in the world. Who knows? You’ll have to stop by again on Friday night to find out.
In the mean time, you can take a look at the other blogs/websites offering to join the giveaway hop starting this Friday below. If you have a site and you would like to join, please sign up right here and join in the fun.
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