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These are some of our favorite events throughout the year. From special events to annual events, this category covers the best of them.

Adventures at Apple Hill: Part 2

Autumn truly is the best season. The weather is starting to turn colder, leaves are changing, and delicious smells of pumpkins and cinnamon fill the air. Filled with the festive spirit and thoughts of delicious baked goods ahead, we began our trek to Placerville, CA to partake in the seasonal joys of Apple Hill.

The Great Reno Balloon Race

This year, we had the opportunity to attend one of our most beloved events of the year for each of us as children, here at Windy Pinwheel. The Great Reno Balloon Race is an annual event in Reno, Nevada for all ages every September. Children, young and old, remain in awe as hot air balloons fill the sky.

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